La Fuji Mama

A sick cat usually doesn t have the energy to groom himself typically a coat that was once glossy and well kept becomes dull matted and tangled. Many cats will pass upper respiratory infections naturally so you notice your cat sneezing wait to see if your cat heals on his or her own.

How To Tell If Your Cat Is Sick Or In Pain

It happens all too often by the time an owner realizes her cat is sick the cat is very sick.

Is my cat sick. Increased vocalization may mean your cat is sick in pain stressed or just bored. Cats tend to hide their illnesses and they even hide themselves when they re ill. Usually by the time a cat is exhibiting signs of being sick they ll need to see a veterinarian because they ve been covering up their illness until that point newfield said.

Stinky breath can indicate kidney problems and serious dental disease in your cat and sweet or fruity smelling breath can be a sign of diabetes. Overgrooming may be behavioral but it could also mean your cat has a skin issue or is in pain. It was easily the size of both your fists putting pressure on all of his belly organs.

Consult your vet if you notice any bad or unusual odors when your cat opens his mouth. Until your next appointment here are some of the less obvious signs that your cat may be sick. It s always shocking to me when i see an extremely sick cat while the owner has not noticed any overt signs of illness.

But many problems are best treated when they re caught early which means you are your cat s most important health care provider. It s important to rule out a health issue first before you explore the behavioral side of this issue. While stress can account for shedding or changes in grooming habits your cat may actually be sick.

It just happened twice in the last couple of weeks. Paris a 6 year old kitty had a gigantic benign cyst on his liver.

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