La Fuji Mama

They are easy to use and can make some very convincing effects blending makes the difference. You can do some or all of this with regular makeup you might have at home.

How To Do Complex Scary Zombie Makeup For Halloween Halloween

You ll want to start with a clean canvas so use a gentle cleanser to remove makeup and oils from.

How to do zombie makeup. Apply latex or gelatin to create wounds and gashes optional. Three popular zombie makeup ideas. Liquid latex and gelatin are two substances you can.

If you smear your entire body in fake blood. At a minimum a zombie needs pale skin sunken eyes and darkened or bloody lips. A basic multi color make up kit.

When it comes to using fake blood less is often more. Alternatively you can pick up a zombie makeup kit that has most everything you need. How to make zombie makeup 1.

Tips for zombie makeup easy on the blood. Before attempting to create any zombie look be sure to have the basic makeup necessities on hand. Don t be afraid of liquid latex and spirit gum.

Applying zombie make up 1. There s a whole other article for that. You should be able to buy this at any decent costume shop or you can get it online at.

Or bathroom tissue for all you people who are afraid to say toilet 3. Apply it all over your face and neck to achieve the appearance that the blood has been drained from you so that you look dead. Basic zombie makeup instructions.

Apply a base of white face. I used a 5 color aging. To achieve a simple zombie look begin with white face paint or powder.

Liquid latex flesh tone. You ll also want to do something with your hair.

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